CASPA responds to DHSC digital working guidance

22nd June 2023

CASPA responds to DHSC digital working guidance: “What Good Looks Like for local authorities and care providers”


As the representative organisation for the views and interests of the thriving social care software provider sector, the Care Software Providers Association – CASPA – is pleased that the Government has moved to introduce new guidance that clearly sets out its ambitions for digital working in social care, and reflects some of the core tenets of CASPA’s North Star Principles.


Specifically, CASPA and its members welcome the Government’s announcement that puts local authorities on a course to deliver more effective digital transformation, putting the interests of social care at the heart of policy decisions that affect it– a move that CASPA has been calling for through its advocacy of the North Star Principles.


CASPA is particularly delighted that the Government has formally recommended a greater presence for local authority digital social care leads on Integrated Care Boards, giving more of voice to those receiving and providing care at the center, This is a small but vital step in the right direction towards delivering a non NHS-led approach to social care digitisation, and is key to ensuring that social care is viewed as its own distinct sector rather than simply how it benefits the wider health system.


The CASPA Board spokesperson commented that:


“CASPA is excited by this recent announcement, and is particularly encouraged by the Department’s recommendation for a greater presence for digital social care leads on ICBs. This first step aligns closely with CASPA’s advocacy for the North Star Principles, on which our members operate. It is vitally important that digital transformation is led by the experiences of patients and care providers alike, enabling better care through timely data gathering that ensures decisions are made with consideration to those whom they impact”.