Taffy Gatawa joins CASPA board
The CASPA Board of Directors, an independent association representing the views and interests of social care software providers, announces the appointment of Taffy Gatawa CIPP/E to the Board. Ms. Gatawa, Chief Information & Compliance Officer at everyLIFE Technologies, expands the Board to 6 Directors and brings expertise in data protection, information governance and security within the social care and software sector.
Ms. Gatawa’s appointment is announced following her prior support to the CASPA Board in an advisory capacity. Coming from a clinical background of nursing, with experience of working in both Mental Health and General Medicine in the NHS and the private sector, Ms. Gatawa has gone on to establish expertise in the area of data protection and compliance, becoming a Certified Information Privacy Professional, a European recognised qualification held by experts in Data Protection and GDPR. In her current role as Chief Information & Compliance Officer at everyLife Technologies, she advises the Board on compliance and regulatory matters for a number of healthcare software products. Prior posts include Associate Director of Governance & Quality Assurance at Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust and Head of Patient Safety & Quality at Royal Surrey Country Hospital.
Founding Partner of CASPA, Robin Wells says: “CASPA is delighted that Taffy has joined the Board. We have already been working with Taffy closely over the past year and she has supported us on many matters surrounding data protection within the Association and the wider health and social care sector. It’s therefore been a natural progression to bring Taffy on as a Director of CASPA and her expertise and knowledge should be of significant value to our members and the Board alike. Within CASPA’s growing membership, issues such as data protection and security are at the forefront of many members’ minds.”
Ms. Gatawa joins CASPA to manage GDPR compliance and data privacy matters and overseeing how the Association interacts with the wider sector. As well as advising the Board on industry best practice, Ms. Gatawa will also be representing the views and concerns of the wider members over these matters. With data protection being an extremely important facet to both the software and caregiving sectors, CASPA is delighted to incorporate this additional area of expertise to its Board.
“I think it’s great that CASPA is giving a collective voice to software providers in the social care space. It’s important that we promote better integration between the health and care sector. The advances in digital technology provides a real opportunity to drive this forward. CASPA represents a centralised, positive community of members who are passionate about improving the industry we work in, and I’m very excited to be on board and I look forward to being able to make a difference in optimising the benefits of digital. ” – Taffy Gatawa.