CASPA Becomes Member of PRSB
The CASPA Board are pleased to announce that CASPA is now a member of the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB).
PRSB works with organisations who represent more than 750,000 frontline clinicians and care professionals as well as patients and the public. The aim of the membership is to speak with authority to the widest possible group of clinical and professional disciplines as well as patient groups. PRSB’s membership continues to grow with organisations who are interested in developing the content for, and the sharing of, health and care records. At CASPA, we feel that becoming a PRSB member complements CASPA’s objectives extremely well and we look forward to contributing as much as we can, in particular helping PRSB refine the standards for data interoperability between social care and health.
For more information on PRSB and their membership, visit:
CASPA is a UK based independent, not-for-profit association representing the views and interests of social care software providers. The association promotes the continued growth of the use of digital technologies, and thus the transparency of care being provided, within the social care sector. They are improving the digital information flow between social care and other parties, in particular, the NHS. CASPA strive to implement legislation and regulatory guidelines within the industry where such standards do not currently exist. Membership is available to companies involved in the provision of software to the care sector. Members of CASPA benefit from having a central point of contact on issues facing the industry and the association will represent members bringing suggestions to the government and other industry bodies.
For further information on membership and CASPA, please visit: